After you have logged in and completed the welcome flow in Sun Life Onboard, you’ll reach your Dashboard. The Dashboard is your main landing page inside of Sun Life Onboard. This is where you can view and manage tasks, track your status and timeline, and view helpful guidance and support.
Included on your Dashboard are the main areas you’ll interact with during your onboarding:
Onboarding Timeline
Your Onboarding Timeline provides a snapshot of where you are in the process of onboarding your new benefits. It also provides a view of the full timeline and what to expect in each phase.
- Note: If you have certain tasks that haven’t been completed as you get closer to your policy effective date, you may see your timeline phases highlighted in red or yellow.
You can learn more about how to track your Sun Life Onboard progress here.
Claims Ready Indicator
The Claims Ready Indicator gives you visibility into the status of each of your Sun Life benefits, allowing you to know which plans are ready for employees to use on or after your effective date and which are still being set up.
- Ready for claims - These are benefits that are ready for employees to use and submit claims.
- Not ready for claims - These benefits are not ready and are still being set up.
Tasks are shown below the Onboarding Timeline on the Sun Life Onboard Dashboard. These provide you visibility into the items that will need to be completed for a successful onboarding.
You may be prompted to complete any of the following tasks during your Sun Life onboarding:
- Schedule Kickoff Call
- Complete Company Profile
- Complete Enrollment Event & Goals
- Complete Onboarding Forms
- Submit Company Information
- Submit Prior Carrier Certificates
- Submit Prior Carrier Bills
- Submit Enrollment Elections
- Register for Sun Life Connect
- Schedule Ongoing Service Call
- Please note: The tasks you see will be based on your specific setup. Not all tasks are visible if they do not apply to your onboarding setup.
Tasks are grouped by status on the dashboard to help you understand what is left to do and what has already been completed. On your Dashboard you may see tasks in Things to Do, In Review, Upcoming and Completed. As you take action on your tasks, you may notice that a section no longer appears if there are no applicable tasks at that time.
- Tip:You’ll want to pay close attention to the tasks in your Things to Do section – these are tasks that may require action from you or your broker.
Note: You may also see certain tasks listed more than once if you have multiple effective dates and/or policy numbers for your benefits.
Viewing and Managing Task Status
Clicking on a task from the Dashboard will take you to the task page where you can see more detail and manage any required next steps.
As you, your broker, or the Sun Life team take actions on these tasks, the status of the task will update so you always know where items stand and what may be needed next:
Some tasks may include a Due Date that is highlighted on the task on your Dashboard as well as on the Task page. These due dates are meant to keep you on track for a successful onboarding and were created to ensure that we can set up your benefits by the effective date.
You can learn more about Important dates in Sun Life Onboard here.
Important Dates
On the right side of the dashboard, you'll see a section that highlights some of your key benefit information which includes the Effective Date.
Depending on the current phase in your Onboarding Timeline, it also provides a quick snapshot of any key dates to align with during that specific phase or provides a time range on how long the phase may take.
You can learn more about what dates may appear here and how these dates may apply to you in this Important Dates in Sun Life Onboard article here.
Employee & Employer Resources
Another helpful area included on your Dashboard is the Employee & Employer Resources section. When you select click the Employee & Employer Resources section in the top menu, you’ll be able to view employee education and enrollment materials.
This page provides Benefits Administrators and Brokers an opportunity to view plan documents that can be shared with employees (like benefit summaries and rate sheets), additional services and materials Sun Life offers, and gives you the opportunity to request custom enrollment materials if needed.
If you have additional questions about what enrollment resources are available, reach out to your Implementation Consultant, or check out the Discover & Share Employee Enrollment Resources article here and the Custom Enrollment Resources from Sun Life article here.